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Sound Productions 

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
We used this sound in our film as a sound bridge, this was played continuous throughout the film. You can hear the diegetic score when the female protagonist was writing in the mirror. However we made it merge with two other songs, to explain to the audience that these three scores may have an impact within our short film. The soundtrack playing is "hush little baby" and this song was being reenacted with one of the antagonists death. (the main character being tucked into bed) The song portrays peacefulness. However this was contrast with what was going on in that scene. The antogonist was paralysed and couldn't move. You can see distraught within her face. 
This sound effect was found on YouTube, I wanted to get a sound effect of scary whispers. This was used to portray to the audience that the female protagonist was hearing voices in her head causing her to become crazy within the film. Also the scary whispers can symbolise the three friends gossiping about her. This sound effect was used in the transition scene when Sophie was waiting at the bustop. It was also mixed with the ambient sound of a rush hour traffic.  
This sound effect was used when Sophie (main protagonist) was creeping up behind Katie before drowning her. This was needed to create tension also to make that scene feel more realistic.
this diegetic score was found on Youtube, we wanted to get a scary nursery rhyme to go with our theme so we used its raining its pouring to give the audience a thrilly experience. also this soundtrack was used at the beginning when merging the other two nursery rhymes together and was used when one of the characters was drowning because we thought that rain connotes with drowning so we thought it was ideal for that scene.
this diegetic score was also found on youtube and was added onto imovie in the scene where the female protagonist was writing in the mirror and then we used it when one of the characters were drowning. RING A RING A ROSES LINKED TO THAT PARTICULARSCENE BECAUSE WHEN THE CHARACTER GOT POISONED IT WAS AS IF SHE WAS REENACTING THE NURSERY RHYME AS IF TO SAY "WE ALL FALL DOWN"
Sound production is used to identify which key sounds refect either the actions being done in the scene or the tension we tried creating. within the film. (Lois)
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