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By Lois Kwakye

In this section it will be a large title explaining. This will be written in large bold font. Also in the first box it will be similar to the layout of the spider man one that we researched earlier. This is because the layout was quick and easy to understand. 

The box underneath the title will be a catching subheading. Which may have a catchy quote from the short film. Or if not it will be a catchy sub-heading. This will be written in a consistent layout.  

In the small box underneath this will be where the ratings go. It will be 5 stars and also the certificate for our short film. 

In the large box there will be a secton where we talk about the actors and characters background story . We also reveal the reasons as to why the "forgotten friend" was portrayed in such a way. This will be shown through an interview process. We also begin to introduce the directors and the peoople who were involved in making the film.  Underneath the paragraph which explains the characters and actors, we then get a paragraph which is a detailed summary of the short film.  

There will also be some critcisms from different viewers as well as some compliments. There will a small box at the bottom corner explaining the release of the film, the cast members and how long the film will be. 


The image is large and will be an image of one of the characters drowning. It will be a POV shot which will look  more professional and real. It will also have some special effects and nice editing using photoshop. It covers one full page of the double page spread and goes into some of the first page also.  The image is also taken from the actual film. This may be useful as those who have already watched the film may remember the scene where the image was. In order to make the film look appealing and attract the audience, the film poster also needs to look appealing as well.

We need to rate our film highly so that the audience gets attracted to it and will be convinced that it is good, due to the appearance of my film poster. 

Film Review

The first box in my plan for the film review will consist of key information about the short film, which is the name of the short film, the director of the short film and some of the main characters. This is essential because I want the readers to know straight away what short film is being spoken about.

The second box would consists of the budget and location of the film as well as reviews about the film and what people thought of it and what film it can compare too.  This would be useful to allow readers to get an idea if the short film is something they’ll be interested in due to the short film it compares to and the reviews.

This is one of the idea’s I had for the film review.

I choose this layout this layout because it is simple but affective. For example including images of the film poster, scenes from the movie and a photo of the actress’. By including these particular images it will allow the readers of the viewer to get an insight of what our short film will include as well as point of the main characters to attract readers to watch the film.

The third box will be what the actress’ enjoyed about the film. This will be used to help promote watching the short film.

The next box will be a key feature about a particular scene to give readers more of an idea about what the short film is about

The last box will be an overall summary of the film, which will include the 4 star rating of the short film and one positive review to help promote watching the short film for one last time.

Film Poster

While researching film posters, I saw several which designs, which I got inspiration from, such as Thor, Confessions of a teenage drama queen and before I go to sleep. These three films are genres from action and thriller, which has a similar theme to our short film.

So my plan for the film poster was to combine these three film posters together into a grid like form to give an affective insight to what the film will be about.

My film poster will include some actress’ name, the director and the release date of the film as well as two quotes about the film.


By Tyanna Nelson

Planning for our ancillary text has given us an indication of the type of things that need to be included when creating our ancillary texts. We have made structures of how we want it to looks, this was done by looking at examples from other film review magazines. 

(Lois and Tyanna)

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