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Research into Film Poster

Looking at the Saw II poster, it has this 'grungy' look to it. It has this smudged effect on it, as well as some fingerprints which gives of the impression to the audience that as well as this person having dirty hands something bad could have happened or an unkept person which is evident in the broken, discoloured fingernails. The use of colours used within this are very monotoned, however, this poster does attract audience members due to the fact that the main image of the poster, is placed in the foreground as well as having this worn out, dirty effec to it. Authomatically the audience members are able to link this film to a Horror as well as a Thriller.

This poster for the Psychological Thriller, Jacob's Ladder is very dark. The only light the audience member recieves, is from the face of a character. Through the mise-en-scene of facial expressions we can infer that this character has a sense of panic as well as fear. Also the effect of having the characters face blurred and morphing into the background could suggest that this character is being taken away by the darkness, therfore making it very evident as to what genre this film could be categorised in.

Once again, this film poster for the Psychological Thriller 88 Minutes, is a monotoned poster. It includes the protagonist of the film at the forefront of the poster with a gun in hand. This character is dressed in all black, again fading into the background. This could imply to the audience that this character has this sinister side to him, which coincides with him holding a gun.

While researching into Psychological Thriller film posters, I realised that one thing they share in commmon is a dark background which creates a sense of mystery as well as something sinister.

This poster for Olympus Has Fallen includes three characters placed in the foreground, above the White House, which is at the bottom of the poster. The effectiveness of a the American flag being burnt s well as blowing in the wind denotes to the audience that the White House is under threat. This is also shown through the fire in the background as well as the burning trees and the helicopters in the sky. The character placed in the middle is the only character within this poster giving direct eye contact to he audience. Thus, creating this idea that this character could hold the most importance within this film.










The first thing you are drawn to is the title, as it is in large bold capital letters, which takes up the header of the poster. The colours red and yellow contrastwith each other making the words ‘Pulp Fiction’ stand out even more to the audience.

Her facial expression is very serious, which could mean that she is very angry with something, once again drawing in the audience.

Her stare is fixed directly on the audience which is very effective because it draws in and grabs the audience’s attention, especially the male audience.

The main image is a very seductive woman holding a cigarette in one hand and a gun resting on the bed. These two props are very powerful in this picture because they tell the audience a lot about this character.

The gun gives this character a ‘bad girl’ image, it suggests danger or murder.

The cigarette also represents a bad habit, an addiction this character has.

The woman is dressed in all black which has the connotations of death, as well as making her character look more sexy which could suggest that her victim is male.




Researching film posters will enable us to understand what colours as well as images and titles that draw the audience to the poster.

By Renae

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