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These two images are of the main featured location in our film. Majority of the scenes like the death scenes, conversation scenes and the opening scene our based here.

The main location for the film is a teenage girl's bedroom. This is effective because it makes the film relatable to the target audience also, it adds a sense of reality which is a common theme of our genre 'psychological thriller'

The Pro's of using this location is, you can capture many different shots from diferent angles, However a Con is perhaps only one person can film in the room at a time due to the amount of space.

These two locations is where the build up of a death scene is. 

The stairs is where you see the characters transition between locations which makes the stairs affective. 

Also, the stairs adds mystery as you can only see the charaters feet and not their faces.

The reason behind these locations is that it allows our film to be more realistic as different locations in a house is used, not just one fixed location.

Despite the kitchen being a common location, there are still safety factors which we had to take into consideration while filming for example knifes and oter kitchen utensils.

Another location that we used is a roundabout in Walthamstow. We used this roundabout area to film a time lapse to show how long one of the characters was waiting from daylight to nighttime.

This was effective because the location was very busy which enabled the audiences to connect to the film as it showed day-to-day activities of people travelling to and from work/school.

We created this page of locations because it ables us to presents the location which was used and the reasoning for it as well as it enables us to show the suitablity of the locations and shows the effect it has on the film.

By Tyanna Nelson

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