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Questions asked to the audience

1. What do you expect from a psychological thriller?


2. What is your favourite part of a psychological thriller?


3. How long do you expect a short film to be?


4.  Do you know the difference between a short film and a featured length film?


These are the questions asked individually to the audience when filming. 

This is the questions we sent to a range of people via email. We sent it through surveymonkey 

I started off writing  very broad questions, so that I can get an idea of the type of person answering these questions i then started getting into detail with our chosen genre. 


This is people's responses on what they expect from a psychological thriller.

I asked a range of people who did media and people who didn't study it and got a few responses about what they thought the difference between the two was. 

This suggests that psychological movies is a known and popular genre that a large mass audience enjoys watching.

This is the result of what  responses preferred the ending to be 

As you can see there is a huge difference between the people that liked comedy compared to the horror genre. Thriller was everyone's second favourite alongside action.

Having other people's responses helps us to understand a variety of people's thoughts about our chosen genre. (Lois Kwakye)

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