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As a group we thought that this shot of our protagonist wrtting on the mirror would be essential to our film as it allows the audience members to think about why this character would write something like that on the mirror and who it is aimed towards. Within this scene, we also played around with the lighting through editing. We wanted to make it look a little darker than it actually was in order to create a scene that follows the conventions of a psychological thriller.

We had to film at least 2 hours of this just so that we can get a change within time. We then edited it to create a time lapse. This was done by fast forwarding and increasing the speed in which time was moving so that we can see the light gradually going from daytime to nightime. 

This was a POV shot that we have included in our final project. We decided to include this footage because it was a scene that showed the 'forgotten friend' going to poison another friend. We felt that the POV shot was better than the actor walking towards the camera as a POV shot allows the audience members to go on the journey with the character and places them into the shoes of the character.

When reviewing our footage we thought that this would be a good close up of the character revealing herself to the audience. We edited this so it appeared to be a lot more darker in order to convey the darker side of this character as she revealved her true self.

This last scene was filmed with the GoPro. As a group we decided to edit sound n top of this which was really effective as it conveyed the end of this characters life.

Reviewing our footage enabled us as a group to selectively chose what footage we would find would work best for our film as well as what would best convey a psychological thriller.

By Renae West

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